Thursday, 26 August 2010

Google News: Voice in Gmail: Free computer-to-phone calls in Canada and U.S.

Google announced today a new feature that lets users call cell phones and landlines through Gmail.

An email from Google's public relations suggested the service might work in Canada if you have your language setting on English-US.

I tried it - it does.

The new service is called Voice in Gmail, not to be confused with Google Voice. Confused yet? Well there's more - you can get Google Voice, a free service that works with your existing cell phone number, but that's not available for users outside the United States. However, the new voice in Gmail allows frugal Canadians (and Americans), to make free calls to the United States and Canada from their computers at least until the end of this year.

Calls to other countries come with a wide range of rates, from as low as two cents a minute (to Iceland and Taiwan among others) up to 98 cents a minute should you be inclined to call Guantanamo Bay in Cuba or Nauru.

It's easy to use. When I signed into Gmail today, a box popped up with the message "New! Make phone calls from Gmail" with the invitation, try it now.

By Gillian Shaw 25 Aug 2010